Syllabus Help: Evaluation Criteria and Completion Requirements

Evaluation Criteria

Clearly state upon what grounds students will be evaluated. A lecture class may weight evaluation towards problem sets; a seminar towards class participation. Be explicit; include a % breakdown of the grade if appropriate.

Commonly considered factors in evaluation:

  • Class participation
    • If this is in discussion section, lab, or seminar: note the context
    • Define what level of participation you require as the instructor
  • Homework/problem sets/research papers
  • Attendance: there is no Institute policy for attendance. It needs to be set by the instructor based on type and level of the class and the subject criteria.
    • Example Absence Policy: Attendance for the full duration of each class is mandatory. You are allowed three excused absences for the semester. An excused absence is defined as one that was discussed with and approved by the professor at least 24 hours prior to the date of absence, or a family or medical emergency that is confirmed by your physician or a dean in Student Support Services. Absences beyond the three allotted will result in a decrease in your final grade. If you miss six or more classes, you will be asked to drop the subject or receive a failing grade.
  • If the subject is a studio: Studio Criteria
    • Concept: how clearly are you articulating your design intentions?
    • Process: how well are you using your concept to develop a spatial and architectural response to the given program or site?
    • Final Review:
      • Did you synthesize your concept into a resolved architecture appropriate for the site and larger spatio-temporal context?
      • Is your architectural response a logical conclusion of your process?
      • Does your design address the needs called out in the given program?
    • Representation:
      • Quality of representation? Evidence of skill/craft?
      • Ability of representation to convey information?
      • Clarity of representation?

Completion Requirements


  • Did you synthesize your concept into a resolved architecture appropriate for the site and larger spatial-temporal context?
  • Is your architectural response a logical conclusion of your process?
  • Is your architectural response a logical conclusion of your process?
  • Does your design address the needs called out in the given program?
  • Representation:
    • Quality of representation? Evidence of skill/craft?
    • Ability of representation to convey information?