Enrollment Tools

Note: we recommend adding these enrollment tools only to instructors who have significant need to restrict and/or manage who registers for their subjects. Many instructors have found these tools to be more cumbersome and difficult to navigate than they appear, and should only be applied when the instructor will take a very active role in reviewing and approving students registering for the course during the initial registration period.

Up until pre-registration opens, instructors have the option to request “Enrollment Tools” for their classes. You can request one or both of the tools below either via the form you complete during the scheduling process or by emailing Tonya Miller.

The tools become available to you after pre-registration closes. You access the tools by clicking on the “Manage Pre-Registration Class Lists” link on WebSIS.

Please note that CI-H/HW subjects are limited-enrollment by default. Learn more about managing CI-H/HW subjects.

Two Available Enrollment Tools

“Manage Registration Lists” Tool

This tool allows gradesheet instructors to remove students who had pre-registered for their subjects. Removing students from this pre-registration list will prevent them from registering without your explicit approval. You can remove students entirely or move them to the waitlist if you have opted to use the “Establish Waitlist” enrollment tool (see below).

How to use the tool:

  • In the Manage Pre-Registration Class Lists page, you can flag one or more students and click Remove from Pre-Reg. If the subject also has a waitlist (see below), you can move the student(s) to the waitlist instead.
  • After clicking the “Remove from Pre-Reg” button, an overlay will appear asking you to enter the reason for removal. This email will be sent to the selected students and their advisors.
  • Pre-registered students who are removed from the list and new students who didn’t pre-register for the subject will not be able to add it to their registration. If they try, they will get the message: “This is a limited-enrollment subject that cannot be added in Online Registration. Please contact the subject’s academic department for additional information on enrollment options for this subject.”

“Establish Waitlist” Tool

This tool places all students who try to pre-register on a waitlist. The waitlist can then be managed by gradesheet and secondary instructors, “offering” enrollment to students on the waitlist if they wish. You can set an enrollment cap but it is not required to do so. Note that offering a space in your class to your student automatically generates an Add Form for the student.

How to access and use the “Establish Waitlist” Enrollment Tool:

  • After pre-registration opens, go to Waitlists on WebSIS.
  • Click the “Offer” button to formally invite students to register for your class.
  • We recommend giving students 24 hours to act on your offer. After that time, you may rescind the offer if you do not receive a response.
    • Email waitlisted students if, for example, you would like them to attend the first class in order to be considered for admittance.
    • Click the “Close Waitlist” button when you no longer want to admit students to your class. The waitlist will automatically close after Add Date.

See more information on Enrollment Tools.