Department Email Lists

Department Email Lists

Important information from Architecture Headquarters will be posted via e-mail — students will be automatically added to their degree program mailing list. New students obtain an e-mail address through the Athena User Account Office. All lists should be used for Department or MIT academic purposes only, except for arch-kiosk.

Please note that all addresses below end with>

Large Lists
archallStudents, faculty and staff in the Department
archstudentsAll of the undergraduate and graduate degree program lists combined
archgradstudentsAll graduate degree program lists combined
arch-kioskAll students and staff are added at beginning of each academic year (non-academic messages) but can remove their name at any time (see instructions at Web Moira List manager
Undergraduate Degree & Minor Program Lists
archunderUndergraduate degree programs (majors & minors)
archmajorsUndergraduate major programs (BSA & BSAD)
arch-aminorArchitecture minors
arch-dminorDesign minors
Graduate Degree Program Lists
marchMaster of Architecture students
march2021 (etc.)Master of Architecture lists by expected completion year, e.g., march2021, march2022, etc.
smactMaster of Science in Art, Culture and Technology students
smarchsMaster of Science in Architecture Studies students (all areas of study)
smarchsyear1First-year SMArchS students (all areas of study)
smarchsyear2Second-year SMArchS students (all areas of study)
smbtMaster of Science in Building Technology students
archphdDoctor of Philosophy students (all areas of study)
Advisor, Instructor & Teaching Assistant Lists
archunderadvisorsThose who advise undergraduate students
arch-grad-advisorsThose who advise graduate students
archfacFaculty, research and other academic staff
fall_term_instructorsInstructors teaching fall classes for the current term
spring_term_instructorsInstructors teaching spring classes for the current term
summer_term_instructorsInstructors teaching summer classes for the current term
archstudioDesign studio instructors for the current term
Staff Lists
archstaffAdministrative and support staff for all areas
arch-hqs-staff-resHQ administrative and support staff
stoaGeneral inquiries directed to Department’s computer resources staff