New/Visiting Instructors

Getting Started

Welcome new and visiting instructors to MIT’s Department of Architecture! Your first step in getting oriented is to consult the New Instructors Quick Start document which contains information on both Institute and Department orientations plus other selected resources. Below is a more extensive list of quick links that often prove helpful to new instructors.

Campus Maps

Things to Do Right Away

  1. Download New Instructors Quick Start
  2. Visit MIT’s non-faculty specific New employee page.
  3. Get MIT ID and Certificates
  4. Check out the links below for more specific information.

Quick Links


  • Get MIT ID
  • MIT DUO Security Account Management — Provides additional security by requiring both something you know (your username and password), and something you have (such as a cell phone, hardware token, and/or landline) any time you authenticate to a Duo-enabled system.

Parking & Transportation


Human Resources

Computer Support

MIT Academic Tools


Final Exams


Other Helpful Resources