Workshop or Seminar subject proposals will not be accepted after the deadlines listed below. This is to:
- better accommodate student course planning (changes and additions will not be made after pre-registration opens),
- facilitate comprehensive teaching load planning for the full academic year, and
- allow adequate time for the TA allocation process (which starts earlier than in the past).
Proposal Submission Deadlines
- Summer/Fall — May 1
- IAP and Spring — November 1
What’s the difference between a design workshop and a seminar?
- A workshop is based upon the instructor’s research and usually produces a product. It usually is assigned a 4.18x course number (sometimes 4.s1x numbers if workshop numbers have been exhausted).
- A seminar can be on a topic of interest and usually produces a paper or presentation. It is assigned a 4.sxx course number.
At this time there is no Department funding available for workshops or seminars.
It is suggested that students on the February degree list not enroll in an IAP workshop. If they do, they are expected to submit their thesis book prior to the start of IAP.
→ Go to Workshop Proposal Form