Workshop/Seminar Proposal Form

Workshop/Seminar Proposal Form
Is this a workshop or seminar proposal?
A workshop is based upon the instructor’s research and usually produces a product. They are assigned either a 4.18x or 4.sxx subject number. A seminar can be on a topic of interest and usually produces a paper or presentation. They are assigned a 4.sxx subject number.
Term course proposed
Note: Fall workshops/seminars include those held over the summer — students register for them in the fall.
Choose level

Target audience

Select a target audience
Would you like to request the MArch Curriculum Committee to consider this course to substitute for a restricted elective?
Area for Restricted Elective
MUST BE 3-DIGITS: MIT units are a series of three numbers. The first number indicates the number of hours spent in class. The second number indicates the number of hours spent in lab/recitation (rarely pertinent for workshops). The third number is the estimated number of hours students are expected to spend outside of class. Adding together the three numbers gives you the total number of units (e.g., 3-0-6 = 9 total)
Enter description (should include the relationship to your research and pedagogical objectives)


(e.g., 1st-half or 2nd-half)
Please select one

Day(s) / Time or First Meeting Date

Desired day(s) of the week course will be taught:
Start time
End time
First meeting start time


Type of room (select all options you would consider):
Other desired room attributes:


Will there be travel?
You must review travel proposal guidelines and complete a Travel Proposal Form
(unaccounted for changes, comments, suggestions …)

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