Workshop/Seminar Proposal Form

Deadlines: November 1 for spring, April 1 for fall

Workshop/Seminar Proposal Form
Is this a workshop or seminar proposal?
A workshop is based upon the instructor’s research and usually produces a product. They are assigned either a 4.18x or 4.sxx subject number. A seminar can be on a topic of interest and usually produces a paper or presentation. They are assigned a 4.sxx subject number.
Term course proposed
Note: Fall workshops/seminars include those held over the summer — students register for them in the fall.
Choose level

Target audience

Select a target audience
Would you like to request the MArch Curriculum Committee to consider this course to substitute for a restricted elective?
Area for Restricted Elective
MUST BE 3-DIGITS: (syntax for x-x-x: # of hours in class, number of hours in lab/recitation, number of hours of outside work expected. Note that IAP units are determined differently – please put units in as you would for a regular term and student services will compute IAP-equivalent units.
Enter description (should include the relationship to your research and pedagogical objectives)


(e.g., 1st-half or 2nd-half)

Day(s) / Time

Will your IAP class meet regularly — same number of days and exact times throughout the IAP period?
Desired day(s) of the week course will be taught:
Start time
End time


Type of room (select all options you would consider):
Other desired room attributes:


Will there be travel?
You must review travel proposal guidelines and complete a Travel Proposal Form
(unaccounted for changes, comments, suggestions …)

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