Note: for new subjects the form requires you to upload a syllabus or the Catalog office will not consider the proposal.

Catalog Update Form

Catalog Update Form

Your Information

Desired Catalog Changes

Select all that apply.
I would like to change

Change Subject Title

Change Subject Description


I want to

Unit Adjustment

I want to adjust units in this way:
Please enter in x-x-x format where first x = number of hours in class, second x = number of hours in lab/recitation and third x = number of hours to be spent outside of class.

Change Class Level

I would like the level of this class to be

Adjust Joint and/or Meets-With Status

I would like to

Change Manner of Grading

I would like the manner of grading to be

Add/Change/Remove Enrollment Limitation

I want to

Add/Remove Repeat for Credit Status

I want to

Add/Change/Remove GIR Status

Please speak with Tessa Haynes regarding the details post-submission.

Adjust Term Length

Change term length to
Which half of the term will subject meet?

Add/Change/Remove Lab Fee

I want to

New Subject Information

Discipline area
Please read guidelines for writing Catalog course descriptions at
Level of new class
In which term will class be taught?
New subject term length
Which half of term will class meet?
Please enter in x-x-x format. The first x = number of hours of class time. The second x = the number of hours in lab/recitation. The third x = number of outside hours expected
Method of Grading

Maximum file size: 2MB

Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.

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